I've been searching for weeks and have been unsucessful on finding a way on my Mac running Ventura to help solve this wish.
I have a lot of files that have the same file name and are saved with different extensions and all exist in the same folder. I am looking for a script to use as a folder action that will do the following.
Watched Folder Location is in my home folder named "Work".
Example Print.ai
Example Print.mkv
Example Print.jpg
Example Print.txt
Weird Logo 3454.psd
Weird Logo 3454.ai
Weird Logo 3454.png
Weird Logo 3454.gif
Green Bird.png
Green Bird.jpg
Lizard Jumping.mkv
Ideally, it would return the following results if run as a folder action on the folder "work" where all of these items reside;
/users/blaine/work/Example Print/
Example Print.ai
Example Print.mkv
Example Print.jpg
Example Print.txt
/users/blaine/work/Weird Logo 3454/
Weird Logo 3454.psd
Weird Logo 3454.ai
Weird Logo 3454.png
Weird Logo 3454.gif
/users/blaine/work/Green Bird/
Green Bird.png
Green Bird.jpg
/users/blaine/work/Lizard Jumping.mkv
Which should look like this when the folder "work" is opened.
/users/blaine/work/Example Print/
/users/blaine/work/Weird Logo 3454/
/users/blaine/work/Green Bird/
/users/blaine/work/Lizard Jumping.mkv
Any ideas? I have managed to create a shortcut that allows me to run a "quick action" and I can manually highlight files when sorted and create new folder from selection and automatically name the new folder the same as the file name without the extension, but there are thousands which makes me believe there must be a better way. Any help is appreciated.
These are the closest threads I was able to find on this topic, but they're a little too different for me to dissect and make work.
Create new folder from files name and move files
For Reference, this is the script I have currently turned into a quick-action or use as a folder action. It works great except for having to manually scan through usually around 10-20k files.
tell application "Finder"
set selectedFiles to selection as alias list
set containingFolder to container of (item 1 of selectedFiles) --as alias
repeat with i from 1 to count of selectedFiles
set foldersRef to (a reference to folders of containingFolder)
set foldersRefItems to name of (contents of foldersRef)
set thisItem to item i of selectedFiles
set fileName to (text items 1 thru -5) of (name of thisItem as text) as string
if fileName is not in foldersRefItems then
move thisItem to (make new folder at containingFolder ¬
with properties {name:fileName})
move thisItem to folder fileName of containingFolder
end if
end repeat
end tell
Try this. Added to hot (watch) folder file(s) will be moved into the hot folder's appropriate subfolder(s).
on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving these_items
set thisFolderHFSPath to thisFolder as text -- this watch folder's HFS path
tell application "Finder" to set allFiles to (files of folder (thisFolder as text)) as alias list
-- get all basenames list
set basenames to {}
repeat with anItem in allFiles
set end of basenames to my getBaseName(POSIX path of anItem)
end repeat
repeat with anItem in these_items
set baseName to my getBaseName(POSIX path of anItem) -- baseName of file
tell application "Finder"
-- if the appropriate subfolder exists then sure the file should be moved in it
set subFolder to folder (thisFolderHFSPath & baseName)
try -- required try block here
move file (anItem as text) to subFolder
end try
on error -- if no appropriate subfolder, then
set aCount to 0
repeat with b in basenames
if baseName is (contents of b) then set aCount to aCount + 1
end repeat
if aCount > 1 then -- the file should be moved if duplicate basename
set subFolder to make new folder at thisFolder with properties {name:baseName}
try -- required try block here
move file (anItem as text) to subFolder
end try
end if
end try
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
on getBaseName(posixPath)
set {ATID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "/"}
if (posixPath ends with "/") then
set baseName to text item -2 of posixPath
set baseName to text item -1 of posixPath
end if
if (baseName contains ".") then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set baseName to text 1 thru text item -2 of baseName
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ATID
return baseName
end getBaseName