I am writing codeception tests with selenium running chrome driver for my local env, which is MacOS, running valet+. I am having issue of getting an error when I try to call methods like see()
or click()
. However other functions like seeInSource()
, executeJS()
and grabPageSource()
are working fine.
For Example:
$I->see('Go to au site'); //Errors out
$I->seeInSource('Go to au site') // works fine
My acceptance.suite.yml is as following.
actor: AcceptanceTester
# - PhpBrowser:
# url: http://npr.test/
- WebDriver:
url: http://npr.test/
browser: chrome
w3c: true
w3c: true
- \Helper\Acceptance
- Codeception\Extension\RunProcess:
- chromedriver
step_decorators: ~
The Error I am getting when I use see or click
php vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance --steps
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.1.21
Powered by PHPUnit 8.5.16 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Acceptance Tests (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[RunProcess] Starting chromedriver
LandingPageCest: Landing page test
Signature: LandingPageCest:landingPageTest
Test: tests/acceptance/LandingPageCest.php:landingPageTest
Scenario --
I am on url "http://npr.test"
I am on page "/"
I see "Go to au site"
[RunProcess] Stopping chromedriver
Time: 6.38 seconds, Memory: 10.00 MB
There was 1 error:
1) LandingPageCest: Landing page test
Test tests/acceptance/LandingPageCest.php:landingPageTest
[PHPUnit\Framework\Exception] Undefined index: ELEMENT at vendor/facebook/webdriver/lib/Remote/RemoteWebDriver.php:228
Scenario Steps:
3. $I->see("Go to au site") at tests/acceptance/LandingPageCest.php:16
2. $I->amOnPage("/") at tests/acceptance/LandingPageCest.php:15
1. $I->amOnUrl("http://npr.test") at tests/acceptance/LandingPageCest.php:14
#1 /Users/techlead/Projects/npr-testing/vendor/facebook/webdriver/lib/Remote/RemoteWebDriver.php:228
#2 Codeception\Module\WebDriver->see
#3 /Users/techlead/Projects/npr-testing/tests/_support/_generated/AcceptanceTesterActions.php:329
#4 /Users/techlead/Projects/npr-testing/tests/acceptance/LandingPageCest.php:16
#5 LandingPageCest->landingPageTest
Png: /Users/techlead/Projects/npr-testing/tests/_output/LandingPageCest.landingPageTest.fail.png
Html: /Users/techlead/Projects/npr-testing/tests/_output/LandingPageCest.landingPageTest.fail.html
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1.
Also I have looked at issue Codeception: $i->see(text) but not $i->click(text) That didn't help me as I am setting my wc3 as true, and if I set it as false my selenium fails to start session.
So after trying a few things what worked for me was to replace my facebook/webdriver to php-webdriver. So my composer json looks like.
"require": {
"php-webdriver/webdriver": "^1.11"
"require-dev": {
"codeception/codeception": "^4.1",
"codeception/module-phpbrowser": "^1.0.0",
"codeception/module-asserts": "^1.0.0",
"codeception/module-webdriver": "^1.2"
Run the follwoing commands on your console to add php-driver and remove facebook/webdriver
composer require php-webdriver/webdriver
composer remove facebook/webdriver