im reverse engineering a app (with the permission of the dev) and im still new to this but is it possible to get the name of the native function thats calling a java method? and in which library?? i know for sure the native functions are being called yet if i try to intercept the library using frida i get a error saying that frida cant find the library i decompiled the apk using jd-gui and i couldnt find the library in the libs folder i tried to intercept the System.loadLibrary() but the app crashes with invalid address error yet i did find a library being loaded by the app if i enumertae loaded modules using frida i dont find that library name and its also not found in the libs folder is there a way to specify a native library path in java? and how can the app load librarys yet frida cant see them??
my skills have advanced since this question so hopefully someone finds this helpful
sadly there is no way to get a java traceback using frida that includes C++ functions however there is better solutions but before that how is a java function get called from native layer?
first a method id of the java method is fetched using the jni function "GetMethodID" which returns a unique integer relative to the method
then the methodid and the method javaobject which the method will called on is passed to one of these functions depending on the return value of the java method for example if the java returns void "callVoidMethod" will be called and so on
the idea here is to hook getmethodid and log the params as the method signature will be passed as string
second solution is to emulate the so library inside a android so emulator and to print the debug log there currently 2 emus capable of doing this