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How to reference local JS modules in Blazor components?

On Dotnetconf two weeks ago I heard it is now possible to include local Javascript files in Blazor components. That sounds very interesting. I guess the approach is still to use JSIniterop and reference the module file.

BUT how do you reference the JS file ??? I have tried all possible creative variants but so far without success.

I am surprised to Google everywhere but find no guides or sample yet on this. All hints are appreciated.


  • Given a ComponentLibrary.Blazor project and a component named MyComponent.razor in the Components folder. You can include the collocated JavaScript files by creating a JavaScript code behind file MyComponent.razor.js and importing the file with the correct path, ./_content/ComponentLibrary.Blazor/Components/MyComponent.razor.js.


    <div @ref="_elementReference">Hello world!</div>


    public partial class MyComponent {
        private IJSObjectReference? _collocatedJs;
        private ElementReference _elementReference;
        public required IJSRuntime JsRuntime { get; set; }
        protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) {
            await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
            _collocatedJs ??= await JsRuntime.InvokeAsync<IJSObjectReference>(
        public async Task InvokeJavaScriptFunction() {
            if (_collocatedJs != null) {
                await _collocatedJs.InvokeVoidAsync("doJavaScriptWork", _elementReference);


    export function doJavaScriptWork(elementReference) {