I am taking an Udemy course, and in this course it teaches you how to create a search box for a website in Wordpress with HTML and JS.
Here's the code written in HTML for the structure of searchbox:
<div class = "search-overlay">
<div class = "search-overlay__top">
<div class = "container">
<i class = "fa fa-search search-overlay__icon" aria-hidden = "true"></i>
<input type = "text" class = "search-term" placeholder = "What are you looking for?" id ="abc" >
<i class = "fa fa-times search-overlay__close" aria-hidden = "true"></i>
And this is the code written in JS:
import $ from 'jquery';
class livesearch{
constructor() {
this.searchTypingArea = $("#abc");}
events() {
this.searchTypingArea.on("keydown", this.TypingLogic.bind(this)); }
TypingLogic() {
setTimeout(function() {console.log("Timeout test");}, 2000);
//this.typingTimer = setTimeout();
I mean, I understood that the code doesn't work because searchTypingArea is somehow undefined, but I take the ID from the searchbox, not sure why its not working. $ operator also works because I defined multiple other variables using class instead of ID, eg:
this.openingSearchButton = $(".js-search-trigger");
this.closingCrossButton = $(".search-overlay__close");
this.searchoverlay = $(".search-overlay");
These all work. Is there a problem with my way while using ID? Thank you
This is the way you can achieve the result
$( "#abc" ).on( "keydown", function() {
alert( "Handler for `keydown` called." );