I have a script which displays the global responses of chatbot in my application. The global response module of application has the option to mark one response as default.
<div class="section bg-gray-100 border border-gray-400 p-4">
<p class="font-bold text-lg mb-4">
standard + custom responses
v-for="response in responses.communityIntentUsesGlobalIntentResponse"
:isDisable="toDelete && toDelete.type !== ''"
The current behaviour is that the default responses are also included in the script which I don't want. I used v-if="!this.isDefaultResponse" after v-for in global response but it still displays the default response. Is there any way to use them together and prioritize the filter to not select the default response?
you can use any useful methods in v-for, like 'filter', 'map' etc...
v-for="response in responses. communityIntentUsesGlobalIntentResponse.filter(r=>!r.isDefaultResponse)"
:isDisable="toDelete && toDelete.type !== ''"