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javascript regex seems to be ignoring anchor

I am trying to make a javascript bookmarklet that takes the current page url, modifies the domain to a different one, then opens that in a new tab.

for example, given the url:

I want to run the bookmarklet and have it open

This is my current code

javascript:(function() {^https:\/\/.*?\//, ''), '_blank');})() 

When I run

window.location.toString().replace(/^https:\/\/.*?\//, '')

I get the url I'm expecting. However, when I run the whole thing together, the new tab that opens is directed to

To me, this seems like the regex is ignoring my ^ anchor for some reason, but I have no idea why that would be happening only when it is passed into


  • Turns out, the issue was a typo in the replacement url I was giving, as well as in the way that works. The replacement url I was giving in my unobfuscated code had the typo https//: instead of https:.

    This made the function think this was a relative url instead of an absolute, and so it was appending it instead of properly redirecting.