My input consists of a string of indeterminate length and content. I need to trim all spaces, characters #
and fragments //
at its beginning and end. All these symbols and character sets follow one another. If there was something else between them, you need to stop.
"///g, hhh/ , test" ===> "/g, hhh/ , test"
"//*g, hhh/ , test " ===> "*g, hhh/ , test"
"#/test" ===> "/test"
"hello //" ===> "hello"
Important clarification: I need to know how many characters I trimmed at the beginning and how many characters I trimmed at the end.
Also, I wouldn't want to use regular expressions because this code is very performance sensitive. As far as I know, regular expressions are pretty slow. However, if my task cannot be done with loops, or the like is extremely difficult - I am ready to use regular expressions.
So far I have tried code like this. The task is complicated by the fact that some symbols represent two characters following each other.
private const char specialSymbol_1 = '/';
private const char specialSymbol_2 = '*';
private const char specialSymbol_3 = '#';
private void ObserveTrim(ref string target, ref int start, ref int end) {
int s = 0; int e = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; ++i) {
char c = target[i];
bool flag = false;
if (target.Length > 1) {
if (i == 0) {
flag = c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_2 ||
c == specialSymbol_2 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_1;
else if (i == target.Length - 1) {
flag = c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_2 ||
c == specialSymbol_2 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_1;
else {
flag = c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_2 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_2;
if (flag) continue;
if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && c != specialSymbol_3) {
s = i;
for (int i = target.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
char c = target[i];
bool flag = false;
if (target.Length > 1) {
if (i == 0) {
flag = c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_2 ||
c == specialSymbol_2 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_1;
else if (i == target.Length - 1) {
flag = c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_2 ||
c == specialSymbol_2 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_1;
else {
flag = c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_1 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i + 1] == specialSymbol_2 ||
c == specialSymbol_1 && target[i - 1] == specialSymbol_2;
if (flag) continue;
if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && c != specialSymbol_3) {
e = target.Length - 1 - i;
start += s;
end -= e;
target = target.Substring(s, target.Length - s - e);
But this code doesn't work as expected.
"///g, hhh/ , test" ===> "g, hhh/ , test"
"/*g, hhh/ , test" ===> "*g, hhh/ , test"
These are just a few examples of his incorrect work, in fact there are several dozen of them.
It simply does not take into account some characters or their sequence. I am not strong in such algorithms, and any help is welcome.
While having all strings to trim
, I suggest check all of them with StartsWith
and EndsWith
. With a help of ReadOnlySpan<char>
we can do it without creating many unwanted substrings.
Since you want to get 3
parameters - result
(trimmed string), how many symbols were removed from the left
and from the right
, let's combine them in a tuple:
public static (string result, int left, int right) MyTrim(
string value, params string[] trim) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || trim is null || trim.Length == 0)
return (value, 0, 0);
int trimmedLeft = 0;
int trimmedRight = 0;
var span = value.AsSpan();
for (bool keep = true; keep; ) {
keep = false;
foreach (var item in trim)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item) && span.StartsWith(item)) {
trimmedLeft += item.Length;
span = span.Slice(item.Length);
keep = true;
for (bool keep = true; keep; ) {
keep = false;
foreach (var item in trim)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item) && span.EndsWith(item)) {
trimmedRight += item.Length;
span = span.Slice(0, span.Length - item.Length);
keep = true;
return (span.ToString(), trimmedLeft, trimmedRight);
string value = "///g, hhh/ , test";
(string result, int left, int right) = MyTrim(
value, " ", "#", "\t", "//", "/*", "*/");
using System.Linq;
string[] tests = new string[] {
"///g, hhh/ , test",
"//*g, hhh/ , test ",
"hello //",
var report = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, tests
.Select(test => (test, result : MyTrim(test, " ", "#", "\t", "//", "/*", "*/")))
.Select(pair => $"{pair.test,30} ===> {pair.result.result} (left: {pair.result.left}; right: {pair.result.right}) "));
///g, hhh/ , test ===> /g, hhh/ , test (left: 2; right: 0)
//*g, hhh/ , test ===> *g, hhh/ , test (left: 2; right: 1)
#/test ===> /test (left: 1; right: 0)
hello // ===> hello (left: 0; right: 4)