I have a piece of jQuery code with an AJAX function that updates 2 UL lists when the data on a WordPress page is updated.
This works and the scrolling also works as I want it to. However, how can I make it so that when the data is updated, the scroll simply continues instead of the animation restarting from the first LI.
I have tried it with this code but it will not work:
var $lists = [$('#list01 ul').get(0), $('#list02 ul').get(0)];
var scrollPositions = [0, 0]; // Array om scrollposities bij te houden
function checkPostContent() {
var postId = <?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>;
var timer = null;
// Scrol animatie voor de twee UL lijsten
$lists.forEach(function(list, index) {
var $this = $(list);
var scrollTop = $this.scrollTop();
var liHeight = $this.find('li:first').height();
var scrollSpeed = 1000; // Scroll snelheid in milliseconden
var pauseTime = 2000; // Pauze tijd tussen LI items in milliseconden
function animateList() {
scrollTop: '+=' + liHeight
}, scrollSpeed, function() {
timer = setTimeout(animateList, pauseTime);
timer = setTimeout(animateList, pauseTime);
scrollPositions[index] = scrollTop; // Sla de scrollpositie op
url: '<?php echo admin_url("admin-ajax.php"); ?>',
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
timeout: 0,
data: {
action: 'check_post_content',
post_id: postId,
success: function(response) {
if (response === 'changed') {
$.get(window.location.href, function(data) {
var $newContent = $('<div />').append(data).find('#list01, #list02');
// Selecteer de ingeladen lijsten opnieuw en hervat de scrollanimatie
$lists = [$('#list01 ul').get(0), $('#list02 ul').get(0)];
$lists.forEach(function(list, index) {
var $this = $(list);
} else {
error: function(req, err) {
console.log('my message' + err);
I changed the scroll animation and put everything in 1 list instead of 2 lists and now everything works as it should.
Here is de code for it if other people wanna use something like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $list = $('#list ul');
var itemHeight = 37;
var currentPosition = 0;
var isAnimating = false;
var numItems = <?php echo $total_rows; ?>;
function checkPostContent() {
var postId = <?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>;
url: '<?php echo admin_url("admin-ajax.php"); ?>',
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
timeout: 0,
data: {
action: 'check_post_content',
post_id: postId,
success: function(response) {
if (response === 'changed') {
$.get(window.location.href, function(data) {
var $newContent = $('<div />').append(data).find('#list ul');
var $newList = $newContent.filter('#list ul');
numItems = $list.find('li').length;
var listHeight = itemHeight * numItems;
$list.css('height', listHeight);
} else {
error: function(req, err) {
console.log('my message' + err);
function animateList() {
if (!isAnimating) {
isAnimating = true;
var newPosition = currentPosition - itemHeight;
$list.animate({ top: newPosition }, 'slow', function() {
currentPosition = newPosition;
if (currentPosition < -($list.find('li').last().position().top - $list.parent().height())) {
// if the last item is showing, wait for a few seconds and then animate to the top
$list.delay(2000).animate({ top: 0 }, 'slow', function() {
currentPosition = 0;
$list.css('top', currentPosition);
isAnimating = false;
} else {
isAnimating = false;
setInterval(animateList, 2000);