We have developed an Excel Javascript plugin using the React framework.
Add-in workflow as follows:
During the Excel data writing, the Excel workbook got frozen until the data is not written in sheet
My case the maximum amount of data coming from APIs is 5-8K.
Below is the sample code.
try {
var i = 0;
// these data are coming from APIs
var allCompanies =[12,32,33,43,45,66,12,32,10,12,21,90];
allCompanies.forEach(async _company => {
// calling APIs for each _docs and writing data for that companies
await fetchData(_company).then(async (responseRows) => {
await Excel.run(async (context) => {
let sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet();
await context.sync();
for (let i = 0; i < responseRows.length; i++) {
// data operations into Exel sheet
// creating table, table header, applying Css
// writting value to each cells
await context.sync();
} catch (error) {
console.log("error on appending data into excel " + error);
Any solution will be helpful to me.
If possible, move context.sync() out of the loop. Calling context.sync() multiple times within a loop can result in decreased performance and increased latency.