I've set up a scroll animation on an element that's tied to the scroll progress of it's parent container with Framer Motion:
const Test = ({ children }: Props) => {
const scrollRef = useRef(null);
const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({
target: scrollRef,
const x = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 0.2], ["100%", "0%"]);
return (
<Container ref={scrollRef}>
<Sticky style={{ x }}>{children}</Sticky>
The above works as expected until I bring useSpring()
into the mix:
const x = useSpring(useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 0.2], ["100%", "0%"]), {
stiffness: 100,
damping: 30,
restDelta: 0.001,
After some error testing I discovered that the percentage values:["100%", "0%"]
when combined with useScroll()
seem to be the culprit. The animation behaves as expected if I swap them out with just numbers ([100, 0]
I've tried separating out useScroll()
and useTransform()
like so:
const xPos = useTransform(scrollYProgress, [0, 0.2], ["100%", "0%"])
const x = useSpring(xPos, {
stiffness: 100,
damping: 30,
restDelta: 0.001,
but this doesn't work either.
Any idea how I can get this working with percentage values?
I have this same problem and finally have a solution to this
const { scrollYProgress } = useScroll({
target: scrollRef,
const temporaryx = useSpring(scrollYProgress, {
stiffness: 100,
damping: 30,
restDelta: 0.001,
let x = useTransform(temporaryx, [0, 0.2], ["100%", "0%"])
So basically you use the useSpring function on the scrollYprogress motion value, this way the spring animation should be applied, I hope this help