I have below json as input and I want to extract a substring from all the values. This targeted substring lies between a colon and a comma.
Input JSON:
"key1": "ppp:qqq,rrr,",
"key2": "111:222,",
"key3": "aaa:bbb,"
Expected JSON output:
"key1": "qqq,",
"key2": "222",
"key3": "bbb"
My current JOLT spec is working but only for the first key.
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*:*,*": {
"$(0,2)": "key1"
Current output:
"key1": "qqq"
I need to modify my spec so that all keys present in the input json can be processed with the desired transformation.
Your approach, is pretty good, which would be improved like the one below :
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*:*,": {
"@|$(0,2)": "&2"
"operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
"spec": {
"*": "=split(',',@(1,&))"
"operation": "cardinality",
"spec": {
"*": "ONE"
where the first spec(shift) returns
"key1" : "qqq,rrr",
"key2" : "222",
"key3" : "bbb"
then we extract the piece before the comma(s) if there's any(in this case exists only for key-value pair "key1" : "qqq,rrr"