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How to differentiate file and udp in Logstash output section?

I'm new to Elasticsearch and Logstash.

In the Logstash conf file, if I have both "file" and "udp" as the source of the input, how do I differentiate them in the output?

For example:

input {
  file {
       path => ["/sample/data.log"]
  udp {
       port => 9999

How do I write the output part to differentiate them so I can save them in two different indices of Elasticsearch?


  • You can simply tag each document coming in from each input

    input {
      file {
           path => ["/sample/data.log"]
           tags => ["file"]
      udp {
           port => 9999
           tags => ["udp"]
    output {
      if "file" in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
          index => "file-index"
      else if "udp" in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
          index => "udp-index"