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How to solve this issue with php ML?

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Phpml\Regression\LeastSquares::predict(), 0 passed in C:\xampp\htdocs\490\testing.php on line 18 and exactly 1 expected in C:\xampp\htdocs\490\vendor\php-ai\php-ml\src\Helper\Predictable.php:12

Stack trace:
#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\490\testing.php(18): Phpml\Regression\LeastSquares->predict()
#1 {main} 
thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\490\vendor\php-ai\php-ml\src\Helper\Predictable.php on line 12

I installed composer and php ML and this was my code:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

//Loading the data 

$data = new \Phpml\Dataset\CsvDataset(filepath: "./data/insurance.csv", features: 1, headingRow:          true);

// preprocessing the data
$dataset = new \Phpml\CrossValidation\RandomSplit($data, testSize: 0.2, seed: 156);
// Training
$regression = new \Phpml\Regression\LeastSquares();

// Evaluating machihne learning models
$score = \Phpml\Metric\Regression::r2Score($dataset->getTestLabels(),$predict);
echo "r2score is : " . $score;
// Making predictions with training models

Any help would be appreciated

I tried to see if the issue was with my file path. I'm not 100% sure with the syntax but I still receive this error.


  • For LeastSquares Linear Regression, to predict sample target value use predict method with sample to check (as array).

    For example, if the value you want to check is 123, then


    which may return something like 4.01 (just as an example)

    In your code, you have just used $regression->predict();, which obviously is missing the parameter.