Search code examples

How to get an email address with a LinkedIn signup API with PHP

I got this code from some tutorial about linked signup, but the tutorial provide just the basic information. I need to get the user email also... How can I do that?

Here is the code:


This is the link where I get access form on likedin.

    $config['base_url']             =   '';
    $config['callback_url']         =   '';
    $config['linkedin_access']      =   '';
    $config['linkedin_secret']      =   '';

    include_once "linkedin.php";

    # First step is to initialize with your consumer key and secret. We'll use an out-of-band oauth_callback
    $linkedin = new LinkedIn($config['linkedin_access'], $config['linkedin_secret'], $config['callback_url'] );
    //$linkedin->debug = true;

    # Now we retrieve a request token. It will be set as $linkedin->request_token
    $_SESSION['requestToken'] = serialize($linkedin->request_token);

    # With a request token in hand, we can generate an authorization URL, which we'll direct the user to
    //echo "Authorization URL: " . $linkedin->generateAuthorizeUrl() . "\n\n";
    header("Location: " . $linkedin->generateAuthorizeUrl()); ?>


This is the script that I get after signup.


    $config['base_url']             =   'http://xxx/linkedin/auth.php';
    $config['callback_url']         =   'http://xxx/linkedin/demo.php';
    $config['linkedin_access']      =   '';
    $config['linkedin_secret']      =   '';

    include_once "linkedin.php";

    # First step is to initialize with your consumer key and secret. We'll use an out-of-band oauth_callback
    $linkedin = new LinkedIn($config['linkedin_access'], $config['linkedin_secret'], $config['callback_url'] );
    //$linkedin->debug = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'])){
    $_SESSION['oauth_verifier']     = $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier'];

    $linkedin->request_token    =   unserialize($_SESSION['requestToken']);
    $linkedin->oauth_verifier   =   $_SESSION['oauth_verifier'];

    $_SESSION['oauth_access_token'] = serialize($linkedin->access_token);
    header("Location: " . $config['callback_url']);
    exit;}   else{
    $linkedin->request_token    =   unserialize($_SESSION['requestToken']);
    $linkedin->oauth_verifier   =   $_SESSION['oauth_verifier'];
    $linkedin->access_token     =   unserialize($_SESSION['oauth_access_token']);}

    # You now have a $linkedin->access_token and can make calls on behalf of the current member
    $xml_response = $linkedin->getProfile("~:(id,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url)");

    $id = $linkedin->getProfile('~:(id)');
    $fname = $linkedin->getProfile('~:(first-name)');
    $lname = $linkedin->getProfile('~:(last-name)');
    $headline = $linkedin->getProfile('~:(headline)');
    $picture = $linkedin->getProfile('~:(picture-url)');

    $id = trim(strip_tags($id));
    $fname = trim(strip_tags($fname));
    $lname = trim(strip_tags($lname));
    $headline = trim(strip_tags($headline));
    $picture = trim(strip_tags($picture)); ?>


This is LinkedIn library:

<?php require_once("OAuth.php"); class LinkedIn {
    public $base_url = "";
    public $secure_base_url = "";
    public $oauth_callback = "oob";
    public $consumer;
    public $request_token;
    public $access_token;
    public $oauth_verifier;
    public $signature_method;
    public $request_token_path;
    public $access_token_path;
    public $authorize_path;

    function __construct($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $oauth_callback = NULL)

        if($oauth_callback) {
            $this->oauth_callback = $oauth_callback;

        $this->consumer = new OAuthConsumer($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $this->oauth_callback);
        $this->signature_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
        $this->request_token_path = $this->secure_base_url . "/uas/oauth/requestToken";
        $this->access_token_path = $this->secure_base_url . "/uas/oauth/accessToken";
        $this->authorize_path = $this->secure_base_url . "/uas/oauth/authorize";

    function getRequestToken()
        $consumer = $this->consumer;
        $request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($consumer, NULL, "GET", $this->request_token_path);
        $request->set_parameter("oauth_callback", $this->oauth_callback);
        $request->sign_request($this->signature_method, $consumer, NULL);
        $headers = Array();
        $url = $request->to_url();
        $response = $this->httpRequest($url, $headers, "GET");
        parse_str($response, $response_params);
        $this->request_token = new OAuthConsumer($response_params['oauth_token'], $response_params['oauth_token_secret'], 1);

    function generateAuthorizeUrl()
        $consumer = $this->consumer;
        $request_token = $this->request_token;
        return $this->authorize_path . "?oauth_token=" . $request_token->key;

    function getAccessToken($oauth_verifier)
        $request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($this->consumer, $this->request_token, "GET", $this->access_token_path);
        $request->set_parameter("oauth_verifier", $oauth_verifier);
        $request->sign_request($this->signature_method, $this->consumer, $this->request_token);
        $headers = Array();
        $url = $request->to_url();
        $response = $this->httpRequest($url, $headers, "GET");
        parse_str($response, $response_params);
        $this->access_token = new OAuthConsumer($response_params['oauth_token'], $response_params['oauth_token_secret'], 1);

    function getProfile($resource = "~")
        $profile_url = $this->base_url . "/v1/people/" . $resource;
        $request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($this->consumer, $this->access_token, "GET", $profile_url);
        $request->sign_request($this->signature_method, $this->consumer, $this->access_token);
        $auth_header = $request->to_header(""); # this is the realm
        # This PHP library doesn't generate the header correctly when a realm is not specified.
        # Make sure there is a space and not a comma after OAuth
        // $auth_header = preg_replace("/Authorization\: OAuth\,/", "Authorization: OAuth ", $auth_header);
        // # Make sure there is a space between OAuth attribute
        // $auth_header = preg_replace('/\"\,/', '", ', $auth_header);

        // $response will now hold the XML document
        $response = $this->httpRequest($profile_url, $auth_header, "GET");
        return $response;

    function setStatus($status)
        $profile_url = $this->base_url . "/v1/people/~";
        $status_url = $this->base_url . "/v1/people/~/current-status";
        echo "Setting status...\n";
        $xml = "<current-status>" . htmlspecialchars($status, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8") . "</current-status>";
        echo $xml . "\n";
        $request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($this->consumer, $this->access_token, "PUT", $status_url);
        $request->sign_request($this->signature_method, $this->consumer, $this->access_token);
        $auth_header = $request->to_header("");

        $response = $this->httpRequest($profile_url, $auth_header, "GET");
        return $response;

    # Parameters should be a query string starting with "?"
    # Example search("?count=10&start=10&company=LinkedIn");
    function search($parameters)
        $search_url = $this->base_url . "/v1/people-search:(people:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url,site-standard-profile-request,headline),num-results)" . $parameters;
        //$search_url = $this->base_url . "/v1/people-search?keywords=facebook";

        echo "Performing search for: " . $parameters . "<br />";
        echo "Search URL: $search_url <br />";
        $request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($this->consumer, $this->access_token, "GET", $search_url);
        $request->sign_request($this->signature_method, $this->consumer, $this->access_token);
        $auth_header = $request->to_header("");
        $response = $this->httpRequest($search_url, $auth_header, "GET");
        return $response;

    function httpRequest($url, $auth_header, $method, $body = NULL)
        if (!$method) {
            $method = "GET";

        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array($auth_header)); // Set the headers.

        if ($body) {
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array($auth_header, "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8"));

        $data = curl_exec($curl);
        return $data;


  • The email address is only available to the authenticated user and not his/her connections.

    1. Make sure you've requested the r_emailaddress member permissions from the user when authorizing your application. Authentication covers authentication and grant member permissions in detail.

    2. Make the following GET call to fetch the email address for the authenticated user:
