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Error in downloading gcloud project’s IAM policy

I am new to google cloud and trying to explore. I tried to download my project’s IAM policy as a CSV file. However, I'm having an error:

(gcloud.projects.get-iam-policy) Format [csv] requires a non-empty projection.

Can someone help me with this?

Run the command —format csv flag, expecting to extract the iam policy in csv file. Error mentioned showed.


  • Error is expected when you try to extract IAM policy in csv format as there's no built-in functionality for this. However you can instead opt to use json to extract the policies then just convert it to csv after. Enter the below commands in the shell:

    $gcloud projects get-iam-policy your-project --format json > iam.json

    This will output a json file with the format:

       "bindings": [
           "members": [
           "role": "..."
           "members": [
           "role": "..."
       "etag": "...",
       "version": ...

    Hope this helps.