I've created a cloudfunction v2 that's invoked by a pubsub topic/subscription messagePublished event. However, whenever it's triggered, I get this error:
httpRequest: {
latency: "0s"
protocol: "HTTP/1.1"
remoteIp: "xx.xxx.xx.xx"
requestMethod: "POST"
requestSize: "3912"
requestUrl: "https://handler-function-cloud-custodian-xxxxxx-uc.a.run.app/?__GCP_CloudEventsMode=CUSTOM_PUBSUB_projects%2Fchase-test-custodian%2Ftopics%2Fevent-topic-cloud-custodian"
serverIp: "xxx.xxx.xx.xx"
status: 403
userAgent: "APIs-Google; (+https://developers.google.com/webmasters/APIs-Google.html)"
insertId: "xxxxx"
labels: {
goog-managed-by: "cloudfunctions"
logName: "projects/chase-test-custodian/logs/run.googleapis.com%2Frequests"
receiveTimestamp: "2023-01-30T17:45:14.427320714Z"
resource: {
labels: {5}
type: "cloud_run_revision"
severity: "WARNING"
spanId: "xxxxxx"
textPayload: "The request was not authenticated. Either allow unauthenticated invocations or set the proper Authorization header. Read more at https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/securing/authenticating Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/troubleshooting#unauthorized-client"
timestamp: "2023-01-30T17:45:14.422306Z"
trace: "projects/chase-test-custodian/traces/xxxxxx"
I tried adding the "allUsers" principal with "Cloud Functions Invoker" role to the cloud function, but I get the same error regardless.
The subscription was created by terraform when I specified it as the cloudfunctions iam member using the tf in the below gist: https://gist.github.com/chase-replicated/0aa241db7da7e31fa63601fcd3308e91
I believe you will need to grant permission to the service account associated with the function for Google to authorise the function , You can also try creating a new service account for the function.
But I would suggest creating a case to Google Cloud for this as they may dig through your logs and monitoring. (and possibly your available service accounts) for investigation.