I'm familiar with Collections and arrays, but now I'm trying to expand into dictionaries. I have a working excel VBA app that creates and stores construction pay applications. It's clunky and poorly coded thanks to yours truly. I've learned much since I wrote this program, and it's time to make needed performance and structural improvements.
Some of the challenges of working with the raw data is...
Creating new pay applications New pay applications need information from previous application Editing existing pay applications Archiving old pay applications The data is located in excel file on SharePoint and front end excel file is shared among different users.
I feel dictionaries could greatly simplify my code, but not sure if what I'm looking to do is possible. If it is possible, I really only need a nudge in the right direction. If not, do you have a suggestion of the best way to tackle this? I control the data, so I could break it up into separate tables if needed. I'd prefer to stay away from Access or SQL Server on the back end.
My sample data looks like this:
Project # | Application # | Item # | Description | Value |
23-001 | 1 | 1 | TEXT1 | CURRENCY1 |
23-001 | 1 | 2 | TEXT2 | CURRENCY2 |
23-001 | 2 | 1 | TEXT1 | CURRENCY1 |
23-001 | 2 | 2 | TEXT2 | CURRENCY2 |
23-002 | 1 | 1 | TEXT1 | CURRENCY1 |
23-002 | 1 | 2 | TEXT2 | CURRENCY2 |
23-002 | 2 | 1 | TEXT1 | CURRENCY1 |
23-002 | 2 | 2 | TEXT2 | CURRENCY2 |
Hopefully this sample data is enough to communicate the pattern. My actual data is a couple thousand rows and 11 columns after Item #.
I'd like to see the dictionary look like this when the dictionary is put into a watch and expanded:
Looks just like the output of a pivot table...
while each associated item holds another inner dictionary. Each inner dictionary's key holds the Application
while each associated item holds a collection of the Property
objects containing the 3 (11) properties like Item
, Description
, Currency
... etc.An Example in a Standard Module e.g. Module1
Option Explicit
Sub DictDataTEST()
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = DictData
Dim Prop As cProps, pKey, aKey
For Each pKey In dict.Keys
Debug.Print "Product: " & pKey
For Each aKey In dict(pKey)
Debug.Print "Application: " & aKey
Debug.Print "Properties:"
For Each Prop In dict(pKey)(aKey)
Debug.Print Prop.pId, Prop.pDescription, Prop.pCurrency
Next Prop
Next aKey
Next pKey
Debug.Print "1st Properties of 2nd Application of 1st Project (""23-001""):"
Set Prop = dict("23-001")(2)(1)
Debug.Print Prop.pId, Prop.pDescription, Prop.pCurrency
Debug.Print "2nd Properties of 1st Application of 2nd Project (""23-002""):"
Set Prop = dict("23-002")(1)(2)
Debug.Print Prop.pId, Prop.pDescription, Prop.pCurrency
End Sub
The Function in a Standard Module e.g. Module1
Function DictData() As Object
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim rg As Range, rCount As Long
With ws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
rCount = .Rows.Count - 1 ' exclude headers
Set rg = .Resize(rCount).Offset(1)
End With
Dim Data(): Data = rg.Value
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim Prop As cProps, r As Long, Project As String, App As Long
For r = 1 To rCount
Project = CStr(Data(r, 1))
If Not dict.Exists(Project) Then
Set dict(Project) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End If
App = Data(r, 2)
If Not dict(Project).Exists(App) Then
Set dict(Project)(App) = New Collection
End If
Set Prop = New cProps
Prop.pId = Data(r, 3)
Prop.pDescription = Data(r, 4)
Prop.pCurrency = Data(r, 5)
dict(Project)(App).Add Prop
Next r
Set DictData = dict
End Function
Class Module cProps
Option Explicit
Private m_pId As Long
Private m_pDescription As String
Private m_pCurrency As String
Public Property Get pId() As Long
pId = m_pId
End Property
Property Let pId(pId As Long)
m_pId = pId
End Property
Public Property Get pDescription() As String
pDescription = m_pDescription
End Property
Property Let pDescription(pDescription As String)
m_pDescription = pDescription
End Property
Public Property Get pCurrency() As String
pCurrency = m_pCurrency
End Property
Property Let pCurrency(pCurrency As String)
m_pCurrency = pCurrency
End Property
The Result
Product: 23-001
Application: 1
1 TEXT1 Currency1
2 TEXT2 Currency2
Application: 2
1 TEXT3 Currency3
2 TEXT4 Currency4
Product: 23-002
Application: 1
1 TEXT5 Currency5
2 TEXT6 Currency6
Application: 2
1 TEXT7 Currency7
2 TEXT8 Currency8
1st Properties of 2nd Application of 1st Project ("23-001"):
1 TEXT3 Currency3
2nd Properties of 1st Application of 2nd Project ("23-002"):
2 TEXT6 Currency6