I am making a WhatsApp bot using WhatsApp Web.js, and I am sending bulk messages to my contact.
I have saved numbers in number.js
but I want to add a delay in foreach
to avoid getting banned by WhatsApp, but it only works one time.
There are two numbers in my array, there should be a 20 second delay between them, but there is only a delay while sending the first message. Then, both messages are sent together.
All help is appreciated.
const sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms))
const smsg = () => {
Numbers.forEach(async (item) => {
let final_num = item.substring(1);
let currnum = 1;
let count = currnum;
const messagetosend = "hello";
let getuser = await user.getNumberId(final_num);
if (getuser) {
await sleep(20000)
var newn = count + 1
let currnum = newn
console.log('Message sent to ' + final_num)
const msg = await user.sendMessage(getuser._serialized, messagetosend)
else { console.log("Number not found") };
user.on('message', message => {
if (message.body === '!start 2005') {
Array methods, be default (se further info below) does not support async functions, so the easiest solution is to replace your forEach with a for...of-loop an make your smsg function async:
const smsg = async () => {
for(let item of Numbers){ ...do async stuff, await...
However you can make array methods like forEach (and map, reduce, every etc) support async, I've written an answer about that here: