I have 1000+ topics in my kakfa, each topic contains 14 days of data, about 1.2 billion messages.
I created a new consumer group: groupA, and executed the command to reset the offset.
sh kafka-consumer-groups.sh --reset-offsets --execute --to-datetime "2023-05-03T00:00:00.000" --group groupA --bootstrap-server kfk-data- 001:9092,kfk-data-002:9092,kfk-data-003:9092 --all-topics
But it didn't work as I expected, I tried to use groupA pull data in Java, and it still consumes the starting data for each topics.
How should I properly create the group and reset the offset from all topics?
You don't need to use that command. In your consumer code, you could use offsetsForTime
and seek
function of consumer instance to go to the timestamp you want