While using gjslint, I got a hint: "Single-quoted string preferred over double-quoted string".
So why? I'm a little confused with this. Why single-quoted preferred?
Hope to get some help. Thanks all.
It's just somebody's opinion.
Lots of people do prefer singe-quotes, but lots of other people prefer double-quotes. I tend to use double-quotes just out of habit from other languages, but I don't have a strong preference: I'm willing to change if I hear of a compelling reason why single-quotes are better, but to date I've not even heard a good reason, let alone a compelling reason.
Even the Google JavaScript Style Guide says that single-quotes are preferred without giving a good reason:
"For consistency single-quotes (') are preferred to double-quotes ("). This is helpful when creating strings that include HTML"
(It then goes on to give a very short example of a string that doesn't even include HTML.)
A lot of people seem to believe XHTML is only valid with double-quotes, but that is not true: the XHTML spec allows either. (Having said that, 98% of the XML I've run across, including XHTML, does use double-quotes.)
Within any one source file I try to stick to one or the other, but if a line of code in the middle needed a lot of embedded quotes I'd be happy to change for just that line to avoid lots of escaping in that line.
UPDATE: Just remembered that JSON is only valid with double-quotes. Obviously JSON is not JavaScript, but still that's a reason why (a) some might prefer double-quotes in their JavaScript so that object literals look like JSON, and (b) some might prefer single-quotes so that they can manually encode JSON without having to escape the double-quotes. (No, I don't recommend manually encoding JSON, but I've seen it done.)