Let's say I have this plot and I want the x limits to be ["January", "August"], I would I go about it?
Code and picture credits to Forecasting: Principles and Practice (3rd ed)
PBS |>
filter(ATC2 == "A10") |>
select(Month, Concession, Type, Cost) |>
summarise(TotalC = sum(Cost)) |>
mutate(Cost = TotalC / 1e6) -> a10
a10 |>
gg_season(Cost, labels = "both") +
labs(y = "$ (millions)",
title = "Seasonal plot: Antidiabetic drug sales")
The gg_season()
plot helper is intended to provide a common time series plot with some flexibility, without being a general purpose plotting function.
To plot a subsets of the seasonal period, you may find it easier to create the plot yourself. Here's an example of how this can be done.
PBS |>
filter(ATC2 == "A10") |>
select(Month, Concession, Type, Cost) |>
summarise(TotalC = sum(Cost)) |>
mutate(Cost = TotalC / 1e6) -> a10
a10 |>
filter(month(Month) %in% 1:8) |>
ggplot(aes(x = month(Month), y = Cost, colour = factor(year(Month)))) +
geom_line() +
aes(label = year(Month)),
data = a10 |> group_by(year(Month)) |> filter(month(Month) == min(month(Month))),
hjust = 1
) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:8, labels = month.abb[1:8]) +
guides(colour = "none") +
labs(y = "$ (millions)",
title = "Seasonal plot: Antidiabetic drug sales")
Created on 2023-05-06 with reprex v2.0.2