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addEdge with python gremling GLV - how to get syntax correct

The error:

TypeError: The child traversal of [['addV']] was not spawned anonymously - use the __ class rather than a TraversalSource to construct the child traversal

appears when trying to run the following code with python GLV

a = g.addV()
b = g.addV()
print (type(a))
print (type(b))
a = g.addV().next()
b = g.addV().next()
print (a)
print (b)

works see

why is there still a .from_ necessary and not a .from?


  • Summarizing the discussion in the comments as an answer.

    1. from is a reserved word in Python. The standard TinkerPop convention is to use an underscore suffix in such cases. So in this case, to avoid a reserved word conflict, the Gremlin Python driver uses from_.
    2. In order to pass a Vertex from another query into from that other query needs to be terminated using next. So a=g.V('1').next() as an example.
    3. In recent TinkerPop versions, use of g mid-traversal was removed in favor of using an anonymous traversal (__.). So, in this case, the from_ step would be written as from_(a) , where a was previously defined as a = __.V('1')