Search code examples

Return values from certain position in matching array

I'm looking to create a function that returns a value from a set of arrays based on a particular keyword that appears in the URL.

For example:

var URL = "";
var indexCode = URL.split('/').pop();

var choices = [['BCKM', 'Beckham', '7'],['SCHO', 'Scholes', '18'],['YRKE', 'Yorke', '19'],['COLE', 'Cole', '9']]

**find "indexCode" in "choices" arrays, then return**

var name = **second item in array that matches BCKM**
var number = **third item in array that matches BCKM**


So if the URL is, the script would look up the var "choices" and return the second and third values and insert them in 2 spans:

<span class="name">Beckham</span>
<span class="number">7</span>

I'd just like to know if this is possible, and if so, if I could be pointed in the right direction.


  • First of all find child array index which have desire code ( eg. BCKM). Based upon that find Name and Number from child array.


    var URL = "";
    var indexCode = URL.split('/').pop();
    var choices = [
      ['BCKM', 'Beckham', '7'],
      ['SCHO', 'Scholes', '18'],
      ['YRKE', 'Yorke', '19'],
      ['COLE', 'Cole', '9']
    function find(choices, code) {
      return choices.findIndex(row => row.indexOf(code) !== -1);
    var ind = find(choices, indexCode); // get index
    var name = choices[ind][1];
    var number = choices[ind][2];
    <script src=""></script>
    <span class="name"></span> <br/>
    <span class="number"></span>