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Closest Distance Between Polygons In Shapefile With Geopandas

very new to Geopandas, I'm loading in a shapefile into a GeoDataFrame - it's a shapefile of the US states with a Polygon or Multipolygon for each. I'd like to calculate the minimum distance (in km or miles) between each pair of states - i.e. the closest distance from the CA polygon and the TX polygon for example (with 0 or a very small number for bordering states).

sample code of loading the gdf from shapefile (shapefile projection is GCS_North_American_1983):

import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point

shapefile = 'states.shp'
shape_gdf = gpd.read_file(shapefile)


  • The following example shows how you can calculate the distances, using the boroughs in ny as sample dataset:

    import geopandas as gpd
    import pandas as pd
    # path = "states.shp"
    path = gpd.datasets.get_path("nybb")
    gdf = gpd.read_file(path)
    # Geopandas needs a projected crs to get sensible distances. "USA Contiguous Equidistant Conic" is a reasonable option for USA states.
    # gdf = gdf.to_crs("ESRI:102005")
    result_gdf = None
    for row in gdf.itertuples():
        other_gdf = gdf[gdf.index < row.Index]
        distances = other_gdf.geometry.distance(row.geometry)
        distances_gdf = other_gdf.copy()
        distances_gdf["distance"] = distances
        for name, value in row._asdict().items():
            distances_gdf[f"to_{name}"] = value
        if result_gdf is None:
            result_gdf = distances_gdf
            result_gdf = pd.concat([result_gdf, distances_gdf])
    print(result_gdf[["BoroName", "to_BoroName", "distance"]].to_string(index=False))


         BoroName   to_BoroName     distance
    Staten Island        Queens 30636.103288
    Staten Island      Brooklyn  4895.344637
           Queens      Brooklyn     0.000000
    Staten Island     Manhattan 17455.990534
           Queens     Manhattan     0.000000
         Brooklyn     Manhattan     0.000000
    Staten Island         Bronx 69951.707811
           Queens         Bronx     0.000000
         Brooklyn         Bronx 23611.105964
        Manhattan         Bronx     0.000000