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is there a formula to count the values in a column which give an absolute value result of 1 when the values in another column are subtracted

Abt. 30 integer values in range say 1 to 1000 fill one column and same is true for a second column. Some of these numbers give an absolute value of 1 when subtracted from each-other. Say 587 is in one column and 588 in the other. |587-588|=1. I need to find how many of these numbers are in one of the two columns.

Without a formula I have to try 30x30=900 times for each number in one column, store the conditional result as say 1/0 and count the ones but it is tedious.


  • Using COUNTIFS:


    enter image description here

    If you need the exact number:


    which would return 2 with the above sample data.