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How to use the mouse wheel to zoom on an SVG using the viewBox

I would like to create a zoom effect on SVG images using the mousewheel to control the zoom scale and the viewBox attribute of the SVG to transform the image.

After zooming with the mousewheel, I would like the point under the mouse to remain in the same place under the mouse.


  • window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
        const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
        // zooming
        svg.onwheel = function (event) {
            // set the scaling factor (and make sure it's at least 10%)
            let scale = event.deltaY / 1000;
            scale = Math.abs(scale) < .1 ? .1 * event.deltaY / Math.abs(event.deltaY) : scale;
            // get point in SVG space
            let pt = new DOMPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
            pt = pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
            // get viewbox transform
            let [x, y, width, height] = svg.getAttribute('viewBox').split(' ').map(Number);
            // get pt.x as a proportion of width and pt.y as proportion of height
            let [xPropW, yPropH] = [(pt.x - x) / width, (pt.y - y) / height];
            // calc new width and height, new x2, y2 (using proportions and new width and height)
            let [width2, height2] = [width + width * scale, height + height * scale];
            let x2 = pt.x - xPropW * width2;
            let y2 = pt.y - yPropH * height2;        
            svg.setAttribute('viewBox', `${x2} ${y2} ${width2} ${height2}`);