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Download dependency from remote maven repository

I have the following pom.xml file which requires downloading various dependencies from azure feed.


When I want to execute mvn install, I get the next error:

Execution rest-server-generation of goal org.openapitools:openapi-generator-maven-plugin:6.4.0:generate failed: Plugin org.openapitools:openapi-generator-maven-plugin:6.4.0 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Could not find artifact in sonatype-snapshots (

The Dependency exists in azure feed. I think the error is because it is not looking for the dependency in the azure feed repository it looks for it in

I don't know why this happens, with other applications I just need to put these lines in the pom.xml file to look for dependencies in the azure feed repository.



  • You need enable repository for SNAPSHOT versions.

    When you want to use additional repository for plugin you need a pluginRepositories

    Pom reference

    So your config can look like:

    For project dependencies:


    and for plugins:
