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Reading JSON from Yahoo Finance

I have an issue regarding the data from a JSON.

Link to example JSON: Example for Apple

I am using this code:

function yFinance(symbol) {
    const url = '' + encodeURI(symbol) 
              + '?modules=price,assetProfile,summaryDetail,incomeStatementHistory,'
              + 'balanceSheetHistory,defaultKeyStatistics,financialData,calendarEvents,'
              + 'recommendationTrend,upgradeDowngradeHistory,majorHoldersBreakdown'
    const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {muteHttpExceptions: true});
    const responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
    if (responseCode === 200) {
        const quote = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
        const paths = [

        return getMatchingValues(getPath(quote, 'quoteSummary/result/0'), paths);
        return -1; 

function getPath( obj, path ) {
  if (!path || !obj) {
    return null;
  const parts = path.split('/');
  const currentPath = parts[0];
  const nextPath = parts.slice(1).join('/');
  const currentObj = obj[currentPath];
  // final path, exit here
  if (nextPath.length === 0) {
    return currentObj;
  if (Array.isArray( currentObj )) {
    // does an element exit at the next level
    if ( currentObj[parts[1]] ) {
      // will continue reading for 1 element
      return getPath( currentObj, nextPath );
    // return all the subpaths, skip the ones that are falsy
    return item => getPath( item, nextPath ) ).filter( v => v );
  // get the next part of the object
  return getPath( currentObj, nextPath );

function getMatchingValues( obj, paths ) {
  return paths.flatMap( path => getPath( obj, path ));

The code is from this post

As I am not an expert with JSON, I have this issue:

Why can I get the data for ones but for others the results are null?

I do not grasp the diference.

I tried to change, in the code, "dividendRate/raw" by "enterpriseValue/raw" or "ebitda/raw" but they return null instead of a specific number.

Thank you


  • OK found the solution.

    For "enterpriseValue":

    • instead of 'summaryDetail/dividendRate/raw'
    • is 'defaultKeyStatistics/dividendRate/raw'

    For "ebitda/raw":

    • instead of 'summaryDetail/ebitda/raw'
    • is 'financialData/ebitda/raw'