Search code examples

Accessing grandparent (source of source) in Spring for GraphQL @SchemaMapping

I can't find out how I can load a referenced resource, identified by a deeply nestet property in combination with a property higher up in a nested data structure.

Given these classes (getters and setters etc. omitted, but you get the idea):

class Resource {
    int tenantId;
    List<SubResource> subResources;

class SubResource {
    String name;
    int userId;

class Tenant {
    int id;
    String name;

class User {
    int id;
    String name;

And this GraphQL schema:

type Resource {
    tenantName: String
    subResources: [SubResource]

type SubResource {

I can resolve the Resource.tenantName property in my ResourceController with a method like this:

public CompletableFuture<String> tenantName(Resource resource, DataLoader<Integer, Tenant> loader) {
    return loader.load(resource.getTenantId()).thenApply(User::getName);

But SubResource.userName... how do I do that, when I need both tenantId and userId to look up userName? This is as far as I got so far :-/

public CompletableFuture<String> userName(SubResource subResource, DataLoader<TenantAndUserId, User> loader) {
    // Look up tenant id - but how?
    int tenantId = ???;
    // TenantAndUserId just holds tenantId and userId properties
    var key = new TenantAndUserId(tenantId, subResource.getUserId()); 
    return loader.load(key).thenApply(User::getName);


  • I finally found out how to use localContext to pass tenantId down to the userName method, so just in case others have the same issue, here is what I added:

    DataFetcherResult<List<SubResource>> subResources(Resource resource) {
          return DataFetcherResult.<List<SubResource>>newResult()
                      .of("tenantId", resource.getTenantId())

    and then the userName method can have tenantId injected like this:

    public CompletableFuture<String> userName(SubResource subResource, @LocalContextValue("tenantId") UUID tenantId, DataLoader<TenantAndUserId, User> loader) {
        // TenantAndUserId just holds tenantId and userId properties
        var key = new TenantAndUserId(tenantId, subResource.getUserId()); 
        return loader.load(key).thenApply(User::getName);