Hello, I apologize if this has been answered a million times before, but I cannot seem to form the correct question into google to find what I need. I'm sure it is real basic and easy, but I have very little experience with Excel.
My problem is that I want to sum up the numbers in column B if the string matches in column A. In the image provided I manually summed them up separately but I need something that will search all of column A and add up the number in column B in the same row if the name matches.
I appreciate any help and say thank you in advance!
I've tried something silly like this: IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Yellow", A;A)), SUM(B:B),0)
As you can imagine it only summed up all of column B instead of the value in each row that matched.
If you want to sum only exact matches, use SUMIF / SUMIFS:
If you want to sum anything that contains your string, use wildcards:
You can also reference a cell instead of typing your search string in the formula: