My web app fetch some documents via query with two constraints:
const readReviews = async (gsin: string) => {
const res = [];
const ref = collectionGroup( db, 'reviews' );
const constraints = [
where('gsin', '==', gsin),
orderBy( 'timestamp', 'asc' ),
const q = query( ref, ...constraints );
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q);
querySnapshot.forEach( (doc) => {
res.push( );
} );
return res;
And my Firestore rule is
match /products/{gsin} {
allow read;
match /reviews/{reviewId} {
allow read;
When I fetch data from the web app. it just display a 'permission-denied' error.
I tried to make another rule to focus on reviews subcollection: permission-denied
match /reviews/{reviewId} {
allow read;
When I allow read to everyone it makes the fetch just right
match /{document=**} {
allow read;
So I think it is a rule-focused issue.
As in step 2 of the documentation on securely querying documents in collection groups, you need a top-level rule of this format:
match /{path=**}/[COLLECTION_ID]/{doc}
This is needed because a collection group matches collections with the given name no matter where they exist in the database.
So add a top-level rule like this:
match /(path=**)/reviews/{reviewId} {
allow read;