I have a javascript script that uses SWFobject to embed a flash player. When i got to embed the flash player with
i get an error reading that swfobject is undefined. I believe this is happening because our website caches the javascript for my application but doesn't cache the swfobject.js file, so myApp.js, which calls swfobject.embedSWF(..) loads long before swfobject.js. I currently can't change what's being cached, so i came up with this work around:
console.log(that.playerID+' not defined');
this.embedFlashPlayer = function (width, height){
var that = this;
var playerID = that.playerID;
var server = document.URL.replace(/^.*\/\//,'').replace(/\..*$/,'');
var flashvars = {};
var flashSrc = "/flash/AS3MediaPlayer.swf?server"+server+"&playerID="+playerID;
var params = {};
params.movie = flashSrc;
params.quality = "high";
params.play = "true";
params.LOOP = "false";
params.wmode = "transparent";
var attr = {};
attr.classid = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000";
attr.codebase = "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,16,0";
attr.width = "" + width;
attr.height = "" + height;
attr.id = playerID;
//console.log("embedding flash object with id "+playerID);
//command to embed flash object
swfobject.embedSWF(flashSrc, "no-flash", width, height,"9.0.0","",flashvars,params);
return true;
My code checks to see if the flash object has been written. If it hasn't, it calls embed this.embedFlashPlayer() repeatedly in a while loop until the the div containing the swf can be found. The trouble is that this just loops forever. Any suggestion on what i can do in the try-catch block if swfobject is undefined? I am 90% sure this is because my script loads faster and is running the embedSwfObject command before the library has loaded, but i may be wrong. My script runs in $(function(){...}) command. Any theories, suggestions, ideas as to how i can resolve this would be appreciated.
...? Use window.setInterval
var interval = window.setInterval(function(){
//Code to check whether the object is ready or not.
}, 100); //Each 100ms = 10 times a second.
You're trying to use while
for polling. setInterval
is usually used instead of while, because (as you may have noticed), while
causes the browser to "hang".