I have an array of sizes that I am looping through in order to run a fetch api call with the size as a parameter of the url. The issue I am having is that I would like run the api calls in order and push the response up to a bigger array so that all the data is collated together. I cant seem to push this response data up to the array in the order of the original size array. My code currently looks like this:
sizeOptionsArr.forEach((option, index) => {
const storeAPI = `https://api-url/json/store-stock-lookup?productCode=${option}`
return fetch(storeAPI)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => {
When I console log the index this appears in a random sequence every time which suggests that the api calls are all running in sync or in a random order.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You can make use of Promise.all
to run the API requests in parallel and still get the responses in order.
const promises = sizeOptionsArr.map((option) => {
const storeAPI = `https://api-url/json/store-stock-lookup?productCode=${option}`
return fetch(storeAPI)
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => data.data)
.then((responses) => {