I have problem in Cropper.js. I want to zoom my image while cropping, then my cropBox should be in the center while dragging and modifying it and while I will crop some piece of image, this image should be in center. This code is working correctly if I will delete the zoom logic, but when I am zooming the logic and calculation is incorrect :( and inside the cropbox I have different piece of image. Can someone help me or suggest better approach to do this?
Here is my code snippet:
var containerData = cropper.getContainerData();
var canvasData = cropper.getCanvasData();
var imageData = cropper.getImageData();
var cropBoxData = cropper.getCropBoxData();
var cropWidth = cropBoxData.width;
var cropHeight = cropBoxData.height;
var cropAspectRatio = cropWidth / cropHeight;
console.log('Container data:', containerData);
console.log('Canvas data:', canvasData);
console.log('Image data:', imageData);
console.log('Crop box data:', cropBoxData);
console.log('Crop aspect ratio:', cropAspectRatio);
// calculate the minimum and maximum zoom levels based on the aspect ratio
var minZoom = Math.max(cropWidth / imageData.naturalWidth, cropHeight / imageData.naturalHeight);
var maxZoom = Math.min(containerData.width / cropWidth, containerData.height / cropHeight);
console.log('Minimum zoom level:', minZoom);
console.log('Maximum zoom level:', maxZoom);
// calculate the zoom level based on the aspect ratio
var zoomLevel = cropAspectRatio > 1 ? maxZoom : minZoom;
console.log('Zoom level:', zoomLevel);
// zoom to the calculated zoom level
var zoomLevel = 1;
// calculate the center of the crop box
var cropBoxCenterX = cropBoxData.left + cropBoxData.width / 2;
var cropBoxCenterY = cropBoxData.top + cropBoxData.height / 2;
// calculate the center of the container
var containerCenterX = containerData.width / 2;
var containerCenterY = containerData.height / 2;
// calculate the difference between the centers
var deltaX = containerCenterX - cropBoxCenterX;
var deltaY = containerCenterY - cropBoxCenterY;
// move the crop box by the difference
left: cropBoxData.left + deltaX,
top: cropBoxData.top + deltaY
// calculate the left and top position of the cropped area
var croppedLeft = canvasData.left + cropBoxData.left - canvasData.width / 2 + cropBoxData.width / 2;
var croppedTop = canvasData.top + cropBoxData.top - canvasData.height / 2 + cropBoxData.height / 2;
console.log("croppedleft" + croppedLeft);
console.log("croppedtop" + croppedTop);
// calculate the left and top position of the cropped image
//es ori
var imgLeft = canvasData.left - croppedLeft;
var imgTop = canvasData.top - croppedTop;
console.log("imgtop" + imgTop);
console.log("imgLeft" + imgLeft);
console.log("canvasleft" + canvasData.left + imgLeft);
console.log("canvastop" + canvasData.top + imgTop);
// set canvas data to center the cropped image
left: canvasData.left + imgLeft,
top: canvasData.top + imgTop
Maybe you are missing the zoom value natural witdth of images