I want to get whether information by city via apache camel weather api. I can get whether information from api but when I want to pass cirt and country information to rest api I got error.
I couldnt find any example that shows how to pass a header information from consumer to processor.
Here is my code
public void configure() throws Exception {
rest("/api").description("Weather api")
.get("/weather").description("Get weather by city")
.param().name("city").type(RestParamType.header).description("The city name").dataType("string").endParam()
.param().name("country").type(RestParamType.header).description("The country name").dataType("string").endParam()
.log("Get weather by city")
.log("Weather: ${body}");
as you can see I got 2 parameters in rest api and I want to use these parameters in "from" part to pass these parameters to my camel weather api
have any idea
U must use 'toD' (to Dynamic )instead of 'to'