I want to store Name and nameId together in a map or in any key:value form in array or whatever so that I can use that later in my executeScript.
My condition is if Name match the incoming data then reasonId need to store or acccess. So I need to store this Name and nameId in such a way that I can easily use it later.
"Name": "Ivor",
"Specialty": [
"nameId": "554",
"specialtyId": "20"
"Name": "Philip",
"Specialty": [
"nameId": "524",
"specialtyId": "70"
"Name": "Alex",
"Specialty": [
"nameId": "594",
"specialtyId": "90"
"Name": "Adam",
"Specialty": [
"nameId": "504",
"specialtyId": "10"
Expected output json as :
"Name": {
"Ivor": [
"Philip": [
"Alex": [
"Adam": [
You can use such a shift transformation spec within a JoltTransformJSON
processor :
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"@Specialty[0].nameId": "Name.@1,Name[]"
// the outermost wrapper is Name
// the value of the Name is the next level wrapper through use of .@1,Name
// the innermost "nameId" : <itsvalue> match by .nameId : .nameId
or the following one as another alternative :
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"Specialty": {
"*": {
"nameId": "Name.@3,Name[]" // need to traverse one `:` + two `{` = three levels in order to reach the level of the "Name"