Search code examples

Failed to parse query [[]:%{[]}]

I am using Logstash Elasticsearch filter to get the host name using query template as mentioned below -


  "size": 1,
   "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "[]:%{[]}"
  } }

however, when I test the logstash pipeline, it gives warning mentioned below -

[WARN ] 2023-04-28 09:59:01.047 [[main]>worker1] elasticsearch - Failed to query elasticsearch for previous event {:index=>".fleet-agents", :error=>"[400] {\"error\":{\"root_cause\":[{\"type\":\"query_shard_exception\",\"reason\":\"Failed to parse query [[]:%{[]}]\",\"index_uuid\":\"3_qR6WxhRRugbHtormpQkg\",\"index\":\".fleet-agents-7\"}],\"type\":\"search_phase_execution_exception\",\"reason\":\"all shards failed\",\"phase\":\"query\",\"grouped\":true,\"failed_shards\":[{\"shard\":0,\"index\":\".fleet-agents-7\",\"node\":\"ECbgB995T6OYF-0I-sus6A\",\"reason\":{\"type\":\"query_shard_exception\",\"reason\":\"Failed to parse query [[]:%{[]}]\",\"index_uuid\":\"3_qR6WxhRRugbHtormpQkg\",\"index\":\".fleet-agents-7\",\"caused_by\":{\"type\":\"parse_exception\",\"reason\":\"Cannot parse '[]:%{[]}': Encountered \\\" \\\"]\\\" \\\"] \\\"\\\" at line 1, column 23.\\nWas expecting:\\n    \\\"TO\\\" ...\\n    \",\"caused_by\":{\"type\":\"parse_exception\",\"reason\":\"Encountered \\\" \\\"]\\\" \\\"] \\\"\\\" at line 1, column 23.\\nWas expecting:\\n    \\\"TO\\\" ...\\n    \"}}}}]},\"status\":400}"}

Note: Query in dev tools work fine

GET .fleet-agents/_search
 "query": {
   "match": {
     "": "222222-222-2222-22-222"

logstash pipeline

input {
        hosts => "localhost"
        user => "reader"
        password => "**************"
        index => "*-test"
        query => '{ "query": {
                             "bool": {
                                      "must": [{"terms": { "kibana.alert.severity": [ "high", "critical"] }} ],
                                      "filter": [ {"range": {"@timestamp": { "gte": "now-2w"}}}]
        schedule => "/1 * * * *"
        size => 500
        scroll => "5m"
        docinfo => true
        docinfo_target => "[@metadata][doc]"
        codec => "json"

filter {
elasticsearch {
              hosts => "localhost"
              user => "fleet-user"
              password => "************"
              index => ".fleet-agents"
              query_template => "/data/logstash/pipelines/sample.json"
              fields => { "" => "host_name" }

mutate {
        add_field => {
            "alertHostName" => "%{[host_name]}"
            "alertReason" => "%{kibana.alert.reason}"
            "alertSeverity" => "%{kibana.alert.severity}"
            "alertTime" => "%{kibana.alert.original_time}"



output {
stdout {
 codec => "json"

Could you please assist me with the correct syntax of the match query in query template ?

Thanks in advance!


  • In Logstash, the nested fields must use the bracket notation not the dotted one


    should be


    Then your sample.json query is also not syntactically correct, it should be

      "size": 1,
       "query": {
        "term": {
          "": "%{[host][id]}"