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Error E013 namespace "boost::asio" has no member "io_context"

I'm new to Boost and I'm trying to use it with C++. I'm using boost_1_82_0-msvc-14.1-64.exe on Visual Studio 2017. I've written some code that reads COM port data and I've tried my best to fix it, but for some reason, no matter what I do, I get the same errors. The first error I received was 'PCH Warning: header stop not at file scope,' which I tried to fix with #define no_init_all, but it doesn't seem to work as I'm still getting the error. I've seen that having an older version of Boost can lead to this, but I have the latest version of Boost. So, I'm unsure what can be done here.

  1. errors include:
  2. E0135 namespace "boost::asio" has no member "io_context"
  3. E0135 namespace "boost::asio" has no member "serial_port"
  4. E0135 namespace "boost::asio" has no member "read_until"
  5. E0135 namespace "boost::asio" has no member "dynamic_buffer"
    #if (_MSC_VER >= 1915)
    #define no_init_all deprecated

    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/asio.hpp>
    #include <string>
    #include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>

struct SensorData {
    float heading;
    float magneticNorth;
    float magneticSouth;


SensorData readSerialData() {

    boost::asio::io_context io;
    boost::asio::serial_port port(io, "COM3");

    SensorData sensorData;
    std::string sensorDataStr;
    std::size_t headingPos, magNorthPos, magSouthPos;
    std::string headingStr, magNorthStr, magSouthStr;

    while (true)
        boost::asio::read_until(port, boost::asio::dynamic_buffer(sensorDataStr), '\n'); // Read until a newline character is received
        headingPos = sensorDataStr.find("Heading:"); // Find the position of "Heading:" in the string
        if (headingPos != std::string::npos) {
            headingStr = sensorDataStr.substr(headingPos + 9); // Extract the heading value as a string
            sensorData.heading = std::stof(headingStr); // Convert the heading string to a float
        magNorthPos = sensorDataStr.find("Magnetic North:"); // Find the position of "Magnetic North:" in the string
        if (magNorthPos != std::string::npos) {
            magNorthStr = sensorDataStr.substr(magNorthPos + 16); // Extract the magnetic north value as a string
            sensorData.magneticNorth = std::stof(magNorthStr); // Convert the magnetic north string to a float
        magSouthPos = sensorDataStr.find("Magnetic South:"); // Find the position of "Magnetic South:" in the string
        if (magSouthPos != std::string::npos) {
            magSouthStr = sensorDataStr.substr(magSouthPos + 16); // Extract the magnetic south value as a string
            sensorData.magneticSouth = std::stof(magSouthStr); // Convert the magnetic south string to a float

        if (headingPos != std::string::npos && magNorthPos != std::string::npos && magSouthPos != std::string::npos) {
            // All data has been received, so return the SensorData struct
            return sensorData;

I would appreciate help in understanding what I've done wrong and why.



  • So I've been playing around, and it seems it works in Visual Studio 2019, not 2017, and only in x86. This is very strange. I'm thinking that either there might be a bug or another version I must have installed a long time ago and forgotten about.