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How can I get the size of the monitor that my current window is on in WinUI 3 and Win32?

I have an HWND window in my app, and I want to know the size of the monitor it's on. This will help me position my HWND on the monitor in some scenarios.

How can I get the resolution of the monitor for a given window/HWND in WinUI 3 and Win32 (in C++, preferrably)?


  • Once you have an HWND for your window (for example, see Retrieve a window handle (HWND) for WinUI 3, WPF, and WinForms), you can use Win32 functions for this:

    // Get the HWND, for clarity
    HWND GetHwndForWindow(winrt::Window const& window)
        auto nativeWindow = window.try_as<::IWindowNative>();
        HWND hwnd{};
        return hwnd;
    // See note below about "work area"
    RECT GetMonitorWorkAreaForWindow(winrt::Window const& window)
        const auto hwnd = GetHwndForWindow(window);
        const auto hmonitor = ::MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
        MONITORINFO monitorInfo{sizeof(MONITORINFO)};
        THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(GetMonitorInfo(hmonitor, &monitorInfo));
        return monitorInfo.rcWork;

    If you're looking for usable space, you probably want the work area, and not the actual size of the monitor (rcWork, not rcMonitor). See the Taskbar#Taskbar Display Options and MONITORINFO.

    See MonitorFromWindow and GetMonitorInfo.