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How to draw graph in R

I want to ask questions whether I could draw graphs with these data.

I have dataset looks like below, (not real data, but it has form of this dataset)

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
X     0    0    0    1    1    1    1  
Y     0    0    0    0    0    3    3

I want to draw a graph with both plot and line, and xaxis with x variable of each year, and Y variable on yaxis.

It is not simply ggplot(dataset, aes(x=X, y=Y))+geom_point()+geom_line()

instead I want it to see the number of X in every year on X axis.

Does R offer these kind of function? or do I have to draw seperate graph of year and X and then X and Y?

Thank you so much in advance!

As noted above, I have tried ggplot2 function.


  • This should be a comment, but I will take a bit more space to walk through it since there may be some confusion.

    This is a classic example of needing to transform your data from wide to long to visualize it. Assuming you have your data as dataset, you can first use tidy::pivot_longer to get it in TIdy Data format, then plot:

    dataset %>% 
      pivot_longer(-Year) %>% 
      ggplot(aes(x = name, y = value, group = Year)) +
      geom_point() + 

    The pivot_longer(-Year) takes all the columns except Year and transforms them to long (run dataset %>% pivot_longer(-Year) to see what it does).

    The resulting figure looks like this, from which you can customize according to you needs:

    enter image description here


    dataset <- read.table(text = "Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
    X     0    0    0    1    1    1    1  
    Y     0    0    0    0    0    3    3", h = TRUE)