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How to migrate this from LiveData to Kotlin Flow on Android?

I'm new to Kotlin Flow on Android. Can you please tell me how I can migrate this LiveData code to Flow?

class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(private val myRepository: MyRepository) : ViewModel() {
    val myData = MutableLiveData<Data?>(null)
    fun fetchData(query: String) {
        viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {


  • You have to use a MutableStateFlow instead of MutableLiveData to hold the data. A StateFlow is similar to a LiveData in that it emits updates to its observers.

    class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(private val myRepository: MyRepository) : ViewModel() {
        private val _myData = MutableStateFlow<Data?>(null)
        val myData: StateFlow<Data?> 
            get() = _myData.asStateFlow()
        fun fetchData(query: String) {
            viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
                _myData.value = myRepository.fetchSuspend(query)