If I compose some methods with factory function below.
function createCrudMethods() {
return {
findMany: async () => {
findOne: async () => {
createOne: async () => {
deleteOne: async () => {
updateOne: async () => {
Can I do something like this?
const object = {
createOneWithNumber() {
// do some cool stuff
createOne() // error undefined
or maybe there is a better way to do this?
You can make use of function
scope to refer to yourself using this
function createCrudMethods() {
return {
findMany: () => console.log('findMany'),
findOne: () => console.log('findOne'),
createOne: () => console.log('createOne'),
deleteOne: () => console.log('deleteOne'),
updateOne: () => console.log('updateOne')
const object = {
createOneWithNumber() {
// do some cool stuff
// Console should show:
// - createOneWithNumber
// - createOne