I am working on a flow to delete versions from excel files in my SharePoint library based on this reference.
I've run into a problem where an Apply to Each step won't read the outputs of a Parse JSON step as an array, although those outputs look fine. Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?
Including this just to give you an idea of the lead-up steps. I have it filtered down to one Excel file for testing purposes, although the filter will be a permanent fixture, just with fewer limits on the items retrieved.
Expressions here:
URI: _api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('{PATH}')/Files('{FilenameWithExtension}')/Versions
Path: @{items('Get_versions_internal')?['{Path}']}
Filename: @{items('Get_versions_internal')?['{FilenameWithExtension}']}
I can edit the schema in if needed, but it's so long and I do plan to include the outputs from the flow run below, so I'm going to skip it for now. I've tried the schema from the linked reference, and also generating from a sample of what the Send HTTP step outputs, and it changed nothing.
I inserted this Compose step to test the bits in the next step. Expressions:
This is the one giving me trouble when the flow runs. (I'll show that below.) Expressions:
Path: @{items('Get_versions_internal')?['{Path}']}
Filename: @{items('Get_versions_internal')?['{FilenameWithExtension}']}
ID: items('Clear_versions_internal')?['items']?['properties']?['ID']
Flow Run
This one runs fine.
URI: _api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('Internal/CT/zArchive/Older/')/Files('VR Sign-in Sheet.xlsx')/Versions
"d": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_api/SP.FileVersion577e4298-b42d-4db0-8780-a484d911db2f",
"uri": "https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_api/SP.FileVersion577e4298-b42d-4db0-8780-a484d911db2f",
"type": "SP.FileVersion"
"CreatedBy": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_api/SP.FileVersion577e4298-b42d-4db0-8780-a484d911db2f/CreatedBy"
"CheckInComment": "",
"Created": "2023-04-12T00:12:39Z",
"ID": 512,
"IsCurrentVersion": false,
"Length": "20696",
"Size": 20696,
"Url": "_vti_history/512/Internal/CT/zArchive/Older/VR Sign-in Sheet.xlsx",
"VersionLabel": "1.0"
Here are the Parse JSON outputs:
"d": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": "https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_api/SP.FileVersion13655235-0e65-421f-be0c-c3bdd562c0f3",
"uri": "https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_api/SP.FileVersion13655235-0e65-421f-be0c-c3bdd562c0f3",
"type": "SP.FileVersion"
"CreatedBy": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "https://SHAREPOINT_URL/_api/SP.FileVersion13655235-0e65-421f-be0c-c3bdd562c0f3/CreatedBy"
"CheckInComment": "",
"Created": "2023-04-12T00:12:39Z",
"ID": 512,
"IsCurrentVersion": false,
"Length": "20696",
"Size": 20696,
"Url": "_vti_history/512/Internal/CT/zArchive/Older/VR Sign-in Sheet.xlsx",
"VersionLabel": "1.0"
The results of the compose step show that it also didn't see the "results" array, but I'm not sure why.
Finally, the failed Apply to each:
It looks like you have added a property called properties twice to your expression, which I don't see in your Parse Json outputs.
Try the below instead: