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How can I use the space above the navigation bar on Android?

I have the following problem: in all activities of an Android app there is a blank (black) space above the navigation bar at the bottom, on specific devices (Pixel 3a and Redmi Note 8T):

Gap above navigation bar, as if the navigation bar extends above.

I have tried many things, most search results have to do with setting the app to full screen, which basically only takes care of the status bar (either hiding it or making it translucent). The devices I have tested this with are on Android 9.0 and 10.0.

Now, it is important to note that on the Redmi Note 8T (Android 9.0) there is this button in the navigation bar:

Tapping the button on the right

If I tap this button, app needs to be started again, but the gap is gone (correct):

No gap, correct!

How can I get rid of this gap programmatically?


  • I'll just post this here as it might help someone. I had a similar problem, the solution was to add


    to the <application> tag in the manifest.

    hope this helps someone