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The opposite of Hungarian Notation?

Most programmers know of a thing called 'Hungarian Notation', each variable has a nice prefix to denote its data type, i.e.

bIsExciting = false;    // Boolean
strName = "Gonzo";      // String
iNumber = 10;           // Integer

While this style of notation has fallen out of favor, I am seeing (at work, internet, etc.) a lot of data type indicators added as a 'suffix' to variable names, i.e.

NameStr = "Gonzo";        // String
NumberInt = 10;           // Integer
MyRideBike = new Bike();  // Bicycle

Is there a name for this, when the data type is suffixed to a variable name?

EDIT: To clarify..., is there a distinct name for such a thing? If not, some concise ideas on what to call it would certainly be appreciated.


  • I would call this reverse hungarian notation which would be consistent with the difference between polish notation and reverse polish notation.

    Additionally billmcc's post on the following link shows real life usage of the term "reverse hungarian notation" What was the strangest coding standard rule that you were forced to follow?