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What should I put in header comments at the top of source files?

I've got lots of source code files written in various languages, but none of them have a standard comment at the top (sometimes even across the same project). Some of them don't have any header comment at all :-)

I've been thinking about creating a standard template that I can use at the top of my source files, and was wondering what fields I should include.

I know I want to include my name and a short description of what the file contains/does. Should I also include the date created? The date last modified? The programmer who last modified the file? What other fields have you found to be useful?

Any tips and comments welcome.



  • Date created, date modified and author who last changed the file should be stored in your source control software.

    I usually put:

    • The main purpose of the file and things within the file.
    • The project/module the file belongs to.
    • The license associated with the file (and a LICENSE file in the project root).
    • Who is responsible for the file (either the team, person, or both)