I was facing with a type mismatch error in VBA and I have finally found the root cause but I don't know how to solve it.
The issue is if I call the Date function in VBA on my notebook, I get in the following format: "2023.04.25" (without spaces). If I do the same on my colleagues' notebooks, I get the date with spaces between the dots, like this: "2023. 04. 25". That's why the macro runs correctly on my notebook and show type mismatch error on my colleagues' notebooks. Any idea how to solve it? Can it be a basic setting or something like this?
y1 = 3
While IsEmpty(Cells(y1, 1)) = False
Cells(y1, 1) = Replace(Cells(y1, 1), " ", "")
Cells(y1, 1) = CDate(Cells(y1, 1)) <--- type mismatch error
y1 = y1 + 1
In the cells (y1,1) are dates and I wanted to check is there any space in the date or not. If yes, delete it. Everything was fine on my notebook, but I got type mismatch error on other notebook with the same VBA, same dates.
I tested the dates with the following code (dates from A3 to A15):
Dim A As String
Dim B As Date
Dim i As Variant
For i = 3 To 15
A = Cells(i, 1)
B = CDate(A)
Cells(i, 3) = B
end sub
With this everything is fine on each notebook. If I use the replace command to delete spaces from the date cells, I got again type mismatch error.
Dates were copied from an excel file which was imported from SAP. Example: 2023.04.03.
Thank you in advance!
Apply Replace
While IsEmpty(Cells(y1, 1)) = False
Cells(y1, 1) = CDate(Replace(Replace(Cells(y1, 1), " ", ""), ".", "-"))
y1 = y1 + 1