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Syncfusion community licence is not working with syncfusion file manager

When we use "Essential Studio Enterprise Edition - Community license" it doesn't work with synfusion file manager, It was working previously

enter image description here


  • We suspect that the issue may occur due to the following reasons.

    Reason 1:  Due to duplicate packages installed in your application. Follow the below steps to resolve this issue;

    • Delete the @Syncfusion folder from node_modules and the package-lock.json file from the root folder.
    • Clear npm cache file at your end.
    • Update packages to the same major version. For example, if your
      utilizing version like (i.e. v21.1.XX) use the same version for all
      the Syncfusion components in the package.json file.
    • Run the npm install command to install the node_modules.

    Reason 2:  If Syncfusion components are used with Cap Symbol (^) in the package.json file there is a possibility of license banner appearing even after registering the license and this is one of the cases of license validation. So, we are suggesting you to use the Tilde (~) symbol instead of Cap (^) symbol and follow the below steps to resolve this issue.

    • Delete the @Syncfusion folder from node_modules and the package-lock.json file from the root folder.
    • Clear npm cache at your end.
    • Remove the cap (^) symbol before the version number and use the mentioned symbol Tilde (~) before the version number like ("@syncfusion/ej2-filemanager": "~21.X.XX").
    • Run the "npm install” command to install the packages.