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Vuex Store - Variable updates only in Store, not globally

Solved: I did not notice i used the wrong Variable

I'am trying to access a store value after i have mutated it in a component. First, i select an array of numbers from a list, which then after a button is pressed gets stored in in the store. When i try to Access the Value from the store it is still empty.

My Vue Component:

        placeholder="Wähle Geräte"

  <v-btn @click="refresh()">Click</v-btn>
import MultiSelect from "primevue/multiselect";
import {mapMutations, mapState} from "vuex";

export default {
  name: "Gerateauswahl",
  components: {MultiSelect},
  computed: {
  data() {
    return {
      localSelectedNumbers: [],
      show: []
  watch: {
    selectedNumbers(newValue, oldValue) { = newValue
  methods: {
    refresh() {

My Store:

import {createStore} from "vuex";

const store = createStore({
    state() {
        return {
            options : [
                {id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}
            rows: [],
            mode: false,
            selectedNumbers: []
mutations: {
        setRows(state, payload) {
            state.rows = payload
export default store;

I've tried with watchers, manuel refresh. The console.log output in the Store: (trying with numbers 1 and 2)

<target>: Array [ {…}, {…} ]
0: Object { id: 1 }
1: Object { id: 2 }
length: 2​​
<prototype>: Array []
<handler>: Object { get: get(target, key, receiver), set: set(target, key, value, receiver), deleteProperty: deleteProperty(target, key), … }

but the selectedNumbers Variable in the Vue Component stays empty, as well as the this.$store.state.selectedNumbers when accessed from the Component.


  • You're updating rows state in the mutation but you calling selectedNumbers in the component.. You need to update selectedNumbers instead in the mutation or call rows state in the component